Friday, 27 February 2015

Think Big, Act Bigger with EEP at iFeel
How to think BIG in today’s world when everyone is trying to compete with each other. Moreover, how to achieve what you’ve already been thinking?

Today, everyone wants money. Everyone wants to grow big. Everyone wants to pitch higher target audiences to augment their profit levels. Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur.

But, does everyone achieve what they aspire to achieve? Does every one attain the agility to think the correct solutions to the consecutive problem? Can they handle the burden of loss taking them over or equilibrium trashing their pre-calculations? Can they handle large amount of risk and twirl it over to their benefits effectively?

Well, most of the times, NO! It is difficult, very very difficult.

When running your family business, or even starting up your own needs you to think BIG but act reasonably. Risks are always involved, but playing calculated risks and being accountable for them is more important. They lack risk-taking abilities. And most importantly “Resources”!

Here is what EEP will assist you with:

EEP is not just a course; it is a life-changing process.

With an excellent mix of scholarly faculty and successful entrepreneurs, you are sure to build a very good rapport with your own business thoughts.

Sure, you have big thoughts, but EEP will make sure you act big.

It’ll help you develop managerial skills from all strata- entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, operations etc.

An EEP programme will provide with just the right amount of knowledge you need. It gives you answers to all the questions I have and you have and beyond. 

Come down to iFeel if you wish to learn how to think BIG and convert it into fortunate, successful actions, the outcome of which will be seen in the entrepreneur you churn out to be.

For more details about our Entrepreneurship excellence program visit here:

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